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- December 31st, 1969
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How Can One Replace Vacuum Tube?
February 7th, 2014, 3:36AM
Use a screwdriver or sleeve, open the equipment service team. Vacuum tubes should be visible at any time. Use a small cloth to protect your fingers, gently hold the top of the solar geyser evacuated tube and carefully swinging slightly side to side to relax its socket. Direct delete tube. Some of the vacuum tube may consist of a cylindrical metal sheath protection. The service pipe can be deleted from a simple push - and - twist or movement. Save the sheath protection tube after repair.
How Can One Replace Vacuum Tube?
February 7th, 2014, 3:36AM
Use a screwdriver or sleeve, open the equipment service team. Vacuum tubes should be visible at any time. Use a small cloth to protect your fingers, gently hold the top of the solar geyser evacuated tube and carefully swinging slightly side to side to relax its socket. Direct delete tube. Some of the vacuum tube may consist of a cylindrical metal sheath protection. The service pipe can be deleted from a simple push - and - twist or movement. Save the sheath protection tube after repair.